Hiboo for contractors

Be one step ahead, empower your teams with the level of information they need to take your field’s operations to the next level.

Know your fleet strengths. Address your weaknesses.

Access new levels of competitiveness using the power of your equipment data.
Equipment Management

Create your fleet digital twin, empower all layers of your company

View only the data that matters to you & your team field of action

Digitalize your inventory with dynamic data

Centralise your equipment data in one place and eliminate any manual data entry thanks to a digital inventory that updates itself.

Create workspaces adapted to your organisation

Analyse your operations creating different angles of analysis: by projects, construction or maintenance sites, you set the limit!

Manage your worksites tracking exits and entries

Help your teams on the field to visualise their progress and to identify where they can get better.

Map with construction equipment tracked from Hiboo platform
What is my fleet CO2 emissions level? ♻️
Analytics dashboard from Hiboo platform
Hiboo, show me a list of the equipment with the most downtime 💤
Equipment Analytics

Act on your data, maximise productivity & reduce downtime

Follow your equipment performance with tailored reports

Optimise equipment utilisation

Build your fleet usage benchmark, measure idling per construction site, region or equipment category to identify where to take action.

Upgrade your preventive maintenance schedules

Optimise the lifespan of your machines by updating your mechanical intervention schedule based on true hour meter data.

Secure your fleet, stop any unusual activity

Receive real-time alerts for any abnormal use: equipment out of a defined area, inactive equipment, or else.

Equipment Signal

Free your data, digitalize your entire fleet and take control

Your data contain extremely valuable insights, use it!

Connect to your entire fleet all at once

Whether it is heavy equipment, trucks, vehicles or sensors, Hiboo allows you to view all of your data with a flip of a switch.

Brand new inventory, no more manual data entry

Connect once to any data sources and let your inventory updates itself automatically.

Measure your environnemental impact

Stand out from the competition with a digital offer allowing more transparency on your operations & carbon footprint.

Construction site with multiple heavy equipment
Hiboo, how many compressor 7 bar are on this site? 💨
Illustration of Hiboo collecting equipment data and pushing it into SAP information system
Hiboo, are we on track with our KPI's? ⛳
Equipment Sync

Enable your systems to communicate, feed your internal tools

Increase interoperability between your teams and systems

Feed your maintenance system and build preventive plans

Adjust controls and work orders based on dynamic data communicated in real time.

Access data from rented equipment

Get a complete picture of your fleet exploitation by viewing data from your rented equipment.

Access data from your partners’ equipment

Get a complete picture of your fleet exploitation by viewing data from your partners’ equipment.

Get started effortlessly

Start connecting your data from over 90 data sources